Welcome to The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle Podcast: Helping Diabetics Make Lifestyle Changes to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes.

Who is this podcast for? Diabetics who are struggling with unhealthy nutritional habits, and are in need guidance for transforming their lives in order to reverse Type 2 diabetes. Non-diabetics find value in the show as well.

Real stories, inspiration, motivation, tips, and real-life conversations about health, fitness, and weight loss for those on a journey toward not only managing Type 2 diabetes, but also reversing it.

I was 268 lbs, diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, but lost over 80 pounds (so far) in less than a year. I eventually reversed T2D and came off insulin.

Now, I'm focused on helping others build a healthy lifestyle to transform their lives.

Subscribe to this podcast, and start your journey today.

Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Men’s Health Series: From Gut Belly to Gut Health - Part 1

Gentlemen, a healthy gut isn’t just about having 6-pack abs and only having 6% body fat. If you’re struggling with fatigue, forgetfulness, lack of focus, allergies, constant colds, constipation, diarrhea, excess gas, weight gain, or bloating, you definitely should give a listen.

You can’t out-exercise poor gut health, even though consistent exercise can help to improve your health.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Men’s Health Is Important Too

Each year during the month of June, I focus on men’s health. June is Men’s Health Month here in the U.S. I typically cover a range of topics, including:

  • Top Reason why Some Men Neglect Their Health

  • Advice for women on how best to approach the conversation on health with the men in their lives (husbands, fathers, son, etc)

  • I share recommendations for men over 40 who are interested in developing a healthy lifestyle

In today’s episode, I’d like to kick off this series on men’s health with some straight talk to lay a firm foundation as it relates to this topic.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Understanding the Connection Between Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and Obesity

If you're struggling with stubborn belly fat, high blood pressure, blood sugar spikes, or cholesterol issues, you're not alone. These are all signs of metabolic syndrome, a condition that can make you feel like you're fighting an uphill battle with your health.

But don't worry, in this episode, I’m going to break it down for you in simple terms and offer practical tips to help you take control and improve your health.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

You’re Bored of Eating Healthy and Exercising, Now What?

If you feel like your weight loss journey is going way too slow and that you’re not seeing any results, you could be making some common mistakes. You’ve tried all of the kinds of diet programs. At this point, maybe you’re ready to give up. People around you seem like they’re winning and living their best life, and you feel like you’re not having any success, and now you're experiencing boredom.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

The Benefits of Giving Up Sugary Drinks to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

If you’ve been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, one of the best ways to not only control your blood sugar levels but to also put you in a better position to reverse your condition is to limit the amount of sugary drinks you consume daily.

Many diabetics don’t realize the impact that sugary drinks are having on their bodies. From high glucose (blood sugar levels) to fatigue and weight gain, you would be surprised to know the long-term negative effects that liquid sugar can have on your body.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

What You Should Know About Type 2 Diabetes, Medication, Diet & Weight Loss

With the rise in cases of diabetes worldwide, in particular type 2 diabetes, you need to know what to do about your situation to experience a healthy lifestyle.

Do you know how to turn your health around? Do you have enough knowledge and information? What do you know about type 2 diabetes and the potential to reverse it? If you aren’t sure you’re well informed, that’s ok. It’s time to learn and put yourself in a better position for success

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Why I Launched a Podcast About Beating Diabetes

We all want to be healthy and live long, and losing weight is top of mind for many of us. There are various benefits to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

With so many different diets and weight loss programs to choose from, it can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating to determine which one is the best.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Developing a Mindset for Winning the Battle Against Diabetes

We all want to be healthy and live long, and losing weight is top of mind for many of us. There are various benefits to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

With so many different diets and weight loss programs to choose from, it can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating to determine which one is the best.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Developing a Personalized Plan for Losing Weight to Beat Diabetes

We all want to be healthy and live long, and losing weight is top of mind for many of us. There are various benefits to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

With so many different diets and weight loss programs to choose from, it can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating to determine which one is the best.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Preventing Pre-Diabetes From Developing Into Type 2 Diabetes

We all want to be healthy and live long, and losing weight is top of mind for many of us. There are various benefits to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

With so many different diets and weight loss programs to choose from, it can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating to determine which one is the best.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Breaking Bad Habits and Overcoming Weight Loss Setbacks

We all want to be healthy and live long, and losing weight is top of mind for many of us. There are various benefits to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

With so many different diets and weight loss programs to choose from, it can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating to determine which one is the best.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

The Simplest Way to Beat Diabetes

If you’ve been diagnosed with prediabetes, or full-blown T2D, whether recently or it’s been months or even years, and you’re having a tough time trying to figure out how to deal with the condition and the complications that come with diabetes.

What if I told you that there is a simple way to not only manage T2D but also to beat it? Imagine finally being able to take control of your health.

Beating prediabetes and even type 2 diabetes does not have to be so complicated.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Does Managing Diabetes Have You Stressed Out?

Stressing out about managing diabetes can throw you off course and derail your intentions to eat healthy and maintain a consistent exercise regimen.

Perhaps you’re finding yourself snacking more and more lately, and overeating. You're missing back-to-back days of workouts and exercise. Maybe you’re not feeling motivated to eat healthy and exercise.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

The Best Diets to Help You Make the Shift Toward Good Health

We all want to be healthy and live long, and losing weight is top of mind for many of us. There are various benefits to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

With so many different diets and weight loss programs to choose from, it can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating to determine which one is the best.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

This Is the End: The Future of This Podcast

Welcome to Season 3 of The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle Podcast! In this kickoff episode, I share practical advice to jumpstart your week with motivation and insights into nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness.

Explore the importance of setting seeable goals, understanding the K.I.S.S. principle for manageability, and making objectives not just doable but sustainable. Learn the power of tracking your progress, and discover why enjoying the journey is key to long-term success.

Tune in every Monday for actionable tips and inspiration to help you stay focused and encouraged on your health and wellness goals. Subscribe, rate, and share this episode to inspire others on their journey to beating diabetes one healthy choice at a time. Let's make this season your healthiest and happiest yet!

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

How to Avoid Holiday Eating Guilt

Instead of putting yourself on such a restrictive diet around the holidays, consider options that will allow you to ease into a healthy eating regimen. This will increase your chances of sticking with your commitment to healthy eating and achieving guilt-free success.

If you’re concerned about potentially falling off during this holiday season, in this episode, I share few practical tips to help you stay on track while still enjoying the traditional foods you’ve come to love.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

How Exercise and Physical Activity Can Jumpstart Your Weight Loss to Overcome Type 2 Diabetes

There are two main areas that many people struggle with when it comes to weight loss and managing chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes.



This episode focuss on exercise, because it’s an important topic that I believe we need to keep simple and develop consistency in if we expect to experience lasting results.

Learn some of the common things many people experience that often impact their decision to incoporate consistent physical activity. You will receive practical tips on how to jumpstart your way to better health.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

What People of Color Should Know About Diabetes

When you or your loved one were first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, did you accept the diagnosis as something that was bound to happen?

Perhaps because you may have a family history of diabetes, you figured, “Well, I guess it must have been my turn to get it.”

Today, we're diving into a topic that hits close to home for many of us: the misconception that diabetes is predestined for some of us due to our family history or ethnicity.

After all, when you are constantly asked about your family history, and you read literature that proposes that African Americans are at a higher risk of developing the disease than other ethnic groups, it can affect your beliefs about the possibility of turning around your health.

In today's episode, we discuss five key areas for living healthy and positioning yourself to achieve better health.

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Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Oscar Camejo

Realities About Type 2 Diabetes and What it Takes to Reverse It

If you’re struggling with your weight, and you’re finding it difficult to shed those extra pounds you gained over the years, I know the struggle firsthand.

You probably look in mirror, and get frustrated. Maybe you hate weighing yourself because you know what the scale is going to say. The scale tells you, “You’re still heavy. You haven’t made any progress. You might as well enjoy yourself and eat what you want.”

In this episode, I’ll be sharing my personal weight loss journey in the hopes that my story will inspire and encourage you.

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