The S.A.D. Reality About the Standard American Diet and What You Can Do to Break Unhealthy Eating Habits


Burgers. French fries. Hot dogs. crispy Fried chicken. Sliced cold cuts. Cakes. Pies. Bagels. Doughnuts. Brownies. Potato chips. Soda. Sweet tea. Lemonade. 

What do these have in common?

You might call these junk foods.

In the United States, these are just a few of the foods that make up what has come to be known as the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

Living a healthy lifestyle should not be complicated. But I know it’s a challenge for lots of people, especially when it seems as if we're surrounded by so many unhealthy choices.

That’s why in this week’s episode, I’m going to share with you:

  • The risk factors associated with the Standard American Diet

  • And my recommendations for breaking unhealthy eating habits so you can achieve better health

There’s so much insight that I have gained, which I want to share with you.

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