What I Wish I Knew Early On About Nutrition and How to Beat Type 2 Diabetes


There are lots of things that I learned while on my journey toward better health. If I could narrow down the most important lessons I've learned and wish I knew early on, it would be:

  • The Importance of Prioritizing Good Nutrition Choices. It’s time to say goodbye to the confusing misconceptions about dieting, and say hello to feeding your body what it truly needs!

  • Why You Can't Out Exercise a Bad Diet. Trust me, I've tried! It's time to ditch the illusion that gym sessions can magically erase a pile of unhealthy food choices. We'll talk about how to strike the best balance.

  • How to Make Eating Healthy a Lifestyle. It's time to wave goodbye to fad diets and yo-yo weight fluctuations. Let's embrace a sustainable and enjoyable way of eating that will keep you feeling great for life!

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©2023 Oscar Camejo - The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle


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